Sunday, 26 May 2013

CM Punk's return - timing is everything? WWE Payback PPV in June?

So the WWE Payback PPV is scheduled for 16th June 2013. It is being held in Chicago. No doubt, the crowd will be loud. No doubt the crowd will be a 'wrestling' crowd. As interesting as the post-Wrestlemania crowd? Probably not. But certainly, they will make themselves heard.

So what do you do with CM Punk? Punk is currently on a leave of absence - seemingly relaxing, recovering from burnout and healing his knees after that horrific bump onto the announcer's table at Wrestlemania.

Does absence make the heart grow fonder? Will his return mean anything if he returns in time for June? In my opinion, the answer is no. Punk needs to be away at least till SummerSlam if his return is to mean anything significant. 

The problem is: 

a) WWE needs to fill tv time, and Punk has been consistently one of the most entertaining personalities to grace WWE tv in the last 2 years. 

b) It is Chicago. The crowd will want Punk to be there. If he is not there, they will react accordingly. 

My suggestion? Have Punk show up at the PPV unadvertised - not to wrestle, but to cut a promo. He could go into detail about why he walked away post-Mania. He could cut an emotional promo, reminiscing over the good and bad times in the last year. He could thank Paul Heyman, and then leave again. Give him 10 minutes to pour out the emotion, and you have something meaningful to build on when he does return full-time.

What does this accomplish? 

a) He appears once on PPV and disappears again - so his extended leave of absence is still intact. Punk doesn't return to tv - this is a one-off appearance.  

b) It gives fans the impression that PPVs are worth buying - since anything can happen.

All in all, I see this as the best compromise as far as keeping Punk off WWE tv and giving the Chicago fans what they want. Otherwise, it is easy to see CM Punk chants starting up throughout the night in June. Best to give those fans what they want.

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